Category: World of Tanks Console
World of Tanks Console Captured KV-1 & Legion 59-Patton
World of Tanks Console: New Premiums & Free Tank in December
New Premium Duo (December 5-January 2) Introducing the German Captured KV-1 and Chinese Legion 59-Patton — a pair of Crew-trainers with custom camo and decals! Captured KV-1 Legion 59-Patton Captured KV-1: Is there any other reason to bring up arguably the best tier V heavy tank? Well, we found one. This white knight comes with…
World of Tanks Console Developer Diary Monster Mash Mode video
World of Tanks Console Monster Mash Halloween Special Event and More!
Spectres come out during this time of year, and this time, they’re not alone… We hope you’re not afraid of the dark, because this year’s Halloween “Monster Mash” is set on the shadowy Dead City filled with “Monsters” and Spectres! These ghoulish beasts are sure to light it up, and you don’t want to miss…
World of Tanks console Monster Hunt Earn a Free Monster Tank!
October is a favorite month for many, because it’s when the monsters come out! And not just out on the streets or under your bed — they’re headed to World of Tanks! Watch out for the Kaiju O-I, a never-before-seen creature from the depths; the agile Lycan T71; the ultra-exclusive three-headed Gorynych KV-5, and Hauptmann Karl…
World of Tanks Console Thiepval Ridge map preview video
This is a huge map: 1200x1200m Mappa mpolto grande, 1200metri per 1200metri.
World of Tanks – Celebrating 100 Years of Tanks Trailer PS4
World of Tanks Console Ardennes map video preview
Here is a video preview about the map Ardennes! Video anteprima sulla mappa Ardenne in WoT console.