Fonte – an piece of information came up: the 0.9.0 test might be planned for 6th of March and it will be huge: 15Gb. Please note that this piece of information is not from “usual sources” and therefore I cannot vouch for its accuracy. Trad. Un pezzo di info è venuto a galla: WoT…
Category: World of Tanks
World of Tanks News 21 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 21 02 2014 – Q: “I come home from a night shift, where I lead a team of 20-30 people and I get killed too quickly in my E-75 by a T-54 spamming gold shells, wtf?” A: “Sorry, we never guaranteed, are not guaranteeing and never will guarantee the…
WoT National battles Winrate
Fonte – A small image with a national battles winrate. Are they balanced? trad. una piccola immagine che mostra il “winrate” delle battaglie nazionali. Viene da chiedersi se il “bilanciamento” ha funzionato. A mio parere no, oltre al fatto che spesso sono mezzi identici a scontrarsi con altri mezzi identici (es. 12 AT15 vs 12…
World of Tanks News 20 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 20 02 2014 – Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him). trad. il Churchill Gun Carriage…
Nuovi carri premium WoT
Fonte – Altre tre immagini sui futuri carri premium/ricompensa di WoT. Sono carri noti presi dal garage con immagini più chiare, si tratta di: T95e6, T23e3 e Grosstraktor: [Show slideshow]
World of Tanks News 19 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 19 02 2014 – when creating a new tier 8 vehicle (or rebalancing an old one), it is balanced for general use, not for team battles. trad. quando si crea un nuovo tier 8, esso è bilanciato per uso generale, non per le team battles. – various new…
World of Tanks News 18 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 18 02 2014 – Lowe and T34 don’t need limited MM according to developers. trad. Lowe e T34 non hanno bisogno di MM limitato secondo i devs. – nothing will happen to tier 6 French and Chinese LT’s (in connection with the introduction of US LT6,7,8). trad. non succederà…
World of Tanks News 17 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 17 02 2014 – apparently, the historical ranks of tank commanders in WoT are done correctly. trad. i ranghi storici dei capicarro in WoT sono corretti. – SerB thinks that the Chinese military ranks in the game are most likely 1955 PLA ranks – the info was provided by…
World of Tanks News 16 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 16 02 2014 – Italian heavy line? “No comment”. trad. il ramo pesante italiano? No comment – Italian ships will definitely appear in World of Warships and there is a chance there might also be Italian planes in WoWp. trad. le navi italiane appariranno in World of Warships…
World of Tanks News 15 02 2014
Fonte – World of Tanks News 15 02 2014 – it will not be possible to pay for gold by Bitcoin. SerB: “No – and you won’t be able to pay with candy wrappers either.” trad. non sarà possibile pagare in bitcoin per ottenere gold. SerB:” No e non vi sarà possibile pagare nemmeno…