World of Tanks, Patch 1.24: How devs changed the stats of TS-60
The TS-60 is a US tank destroyer, with a promotional status. This means that you can only get this tank from special events or offers, and not from the regular tech tree. In Update 1.24, devs have made some changes to this tank. Here are the nerfs (again) that devs have made:
- Increased the cost of repairing tank strength from 15,640 to 17,480.
- Increased the tank durability/HP from 1,700 to 1,900.
- Increased the gun loading from 7.19 to 8.25.
- Reduced the gun rate of fire from 8.34 to 7.28.
- Reduced the dispersion by 100 m from 0.40 to 0.38.
- Increased the motion spread (max.) from 0.20 (7.00) to 0.25 (8.75).
- Increased the chassis rotation spread (max.) from 0.20 (5.84) to 0.25 (7.30).
- Reduced the average damage per minute 1 (AP) projectile from 3,338 to 2,911.
- Reduced the average damage per minute 2 (APCS) projectile from 3,338 to 2,911.
- Reduced the average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile from 4,297 to 3,748.
- Reduced the engine power from 850 to 800.
- Reduced the specific power from 15.45 to 14.55.
- Reduced the max. forward speed from 60 to 50.
- Increased the max. reverse speed from 40 to 45.
- Reduced the body weight from 32,481 to 32,470.
- Reduced the chassis weight from 8,865 to 8,861.
- Reduced the tank weight from 55,015 to 55,000.

source – wotexpress eu