FV227 Conceiver – 8th Tier Heavy Tank of Great Britain in World of Tanks (WOT)
The FV227 Conservator (🇬🇧UK, TT-8, upgradeable, new mechanics: select firing mode) was first released for the supertest on November 21. Due to technical reasons, we can only showcase it now. The performance characteristics are based on the changes in the General Test 1.27.1.
The vehicle features a new mechanic: choosing a firing mode. Below are the characteristics and appearance details.
Gun Characteristics in TOP Configuration:
- Gun loading (single/double): 7.09/19.18 sec.
- Fire mode switching time: 2 sec.
- Horizontal speed: 100 km/h
- Sight translation (single/double): 31.29/20.86
- Aiming time (single/double): 2.11/3.36
- Dispersion at 100 m (single/double): 0.34/1.15
- Maximum forward speed (single/double): 34/20
Other Fire Performance Characteristics:
- Average damage: 280
- Average armor penetration with an armor-piercing shell: 219
- Average armor penetration with a premium shell: 248
- Average armor penetration with a high-explosive shell: 47
- Vertical aiming angles: -10/20
- Average damage per minute: 2,368
- Initial flight speed of an armor-piercing shell: 970
- Initial flight speed of a premium shell: 1,190
- Initial flight speed of a high-explosive shell: 970
Historical Background:
The FV227 Conservator tank project was a development of the assault tank concept, focusing on countering enemy vehicles rather than fortifications. The main purpose of the vehicle was to strengthen the universal Centurion tanks in combat. The FV227 Conservator was planned to be equipped with two identical large-caliber guns, allowing for alternate or salvo firing. Attempts to develop a tank with a twin gun mount were made in many developed countries, but none of these projects were ever put into production.
Crew of 5: Commander (Radio Operator), Gunner, Driver, Loader, Loader.
Role in Combat: Universal heavy tank.
Special Equipment Category: Survivability.

source – wotexpress eu